Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Current Events

A certain type of violent extremist fears what a Biden inauguration “means” for the United States.

These fears drove them to the U.S. Capitol building — I think that the idea was that by breaking enough laws, they could break the entire U.S. government? After that, they weren’t supposed to face any consequences for their actions.

I have spent a lot of time doomscrolling since then — I think yesterday was the first time in a week that I’d actually been able to focus on anything. (At the moment, focusing on a bunch of things is right out.) None of the drafts that I have been working on are relevant for the current moment, so it may be a while before my next blog post is published. 

There was a Popular Mechanics article from 2016 that addressed conspiracy theorists and whether it’s possible to coexist with them. I enjoyed re-reading it because it mentions a Baked Alaska Parade that has nothing to do with neo-Nazi racists.